A downloadable startup sound

Do you hate living in silence? Do you want your arrival at the BASIC prompt to be announced with fanfare? Then look no further than TADA.PRG - a nonintrusive startup sound program optimal for running at boot!

It fills the VERA's PCM buffer then exits, allowing your AUTOBOOT routine to continue immediately. The sound produced is the same bit depth as in Windows, albeit at a reduced sample rate.


Example AUTOBOOT.X16 79 bytes

Install instructions

  1. Place TADA.PRG in the root of your SD card or in the same directory as the emulator.
  2. Add the line LOAD "TADA.PRG",8,1,$8B99 :SYS $9999 to AUTOBOOT.X16. Additionally, it is strongly recommended to add NEW on the last line. The load address is only required if using the emulator with the host filesystem. An example file is provided if you're having difficulty.
  3. Don't forget to save!
  4. Reset the system (Ctrl+R in emulator) to check it's working.

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